The Mahari Sankranti event is celebrated by the Chaudhry family. Sonali, Imlie, and Shivani are informed by Agastya that he is the best kite flier in Purvaiya. Imlie accuses him of being inadequate and issues a challenge. They begin their nok jhok. As soon as Daadi walks in, she scolds them, telling them to put aside their differences and have fun at the festival. Imlie agrees with Daadi. She insisted on inviting Navya and Vishwa to the party despite their animosity, claiming that the two people needed to put their differences aside and celebrate together. Agastya is against her proposal. After seeing that, Daadi orders her to take them outside for a party. Vishwa is in terrible shape as Imlie enters the house. As soon as she sees him, she races over to give him a seat. Avinash then enters the room and reveals that Vishwa is diabetic and requires insulin injections; he also mentions that Vishwa was hungry since Navya was furious with him and on a hunger strike. Vishwa is administered an insulin injection by Imlie.
Because Vishwa is in such horrible shape, Imlie knocks on Navya’s door and begs her to come out. No response from Navya. According to Imlie, Vishwa’s mother is trying to exact revenge on the Chaudhry family through him. She should not speak ill about his mother, Vishwa tells her. Imlie yells out that the home is on fire. “Where is the fire?” Navya exclaims as she bolts from the room. According to what Imlie tells Vishwa, his mother didn’t pay attention when he was sick; instead, she bolted from the room as soon as she heard about the fire. Next, the Chaudhrys enter. Imlie is asked by Agastya if she is okay and where the fire disaster occurred. Navya is using Vishwa as a symbol of her independence, and Imlie claims she lied to show that she is completely unconcerned about him. Orphans don’t understand parental love, Navya tells him to shut up.
The only person who can truly understand a mother’s love, according to Imlie, is an orphan. Please, Rajni begs Imlie, stay out of the mother-son relationship. Navya ensnared Vishwa and used him as a weapon for her vengeance, according to Imlie, while the Chaudhry family acquired Agastya and gave him free reign. Daadi advises Navya to release her children and let them return solely out of love, as she is an elder. The Navya family, according to Navya, forced her to influence Vishwa. Navya shouldn’t damage Vishwa’s life because she feels her own life was ruined, according to Imlie. Navya should just let Vishwa go free. A slap from Navya lands on her. Upset in the Chaudhry household. Since Navya is expressing the truth, Imlie claims that she is frustrated. Vishwa shatters a vase and yells at Imlie, threatening to destroy her life. Since he has no plans to kill her anytime soon, he tells her to start counting down the days. From there, he carries Navya.
Agastya attempts to contact the police in order to report Vishwa. Instead of escalating the rivalry, Imlie stops him and declares that they would work to put a stop to it. Agreed, Agastya. Imlie then walks away after challenging him to a kite battle. When it comes to Imlie’s life, Agastya feels he cannot take any chances. After threatening to contact the man Vishwa had hired to film a phoney accident, he contacts the police and demands that Vishwa be arrested. His words reach Vishwa. In order to win the kite tournament, Shivani tells Sonali that they must beat the boys. Karan makes fun of her. Sonali receives a call from Meera, who requests that she come to the former Chaudhry Sweets factory to get the truth about what transpired on January 20th, when Kunal and Meera were in a relationship and Kunal was killed. After Sonali tells Shivani and Karan about it, she begs them not to tell Agastya, who is already furious about it. They assure you. This enigma will be solved, according to Sonali.
Flying a kite is now a sport. You may hear the song “Dheel De Dheel Dede Re Bhaiya” playing in the background. Girls’ and boys’ teams compete. She urges her to team prank the males when Imlie notices her team is losing. Using the kite thread as a blade, Shivani pretends to cut her finger. Fearful, Avinash hastily approaches her. Imlie trims Avinash’s bird of prey. Then Sonali pulls a fast one on Karan, and Imlie chops off even his kite. At this point, Sonali requests that Imlie redirect Agastya’s focus. Agastya cuts Imlie’s kite and removes his shirt as she tries to entice him. The success is celebrated by the boys. “Who won?” Dolly inquires. When Agastya is present, he announces who else. “The khichdi is ready,” Dolly says. With her family by her side, Imlie tries to sneak away. Then Agastya interrupts, saying that a winner always looks for his reward. According to Imlie, she disagrees with the outcome. Clutching her tight, he demands an answer. Nervous, she stands up.
Avinash attempts to bring Shivani to his house in this precap. Shivani is stopped by Agastya, who states that she would not go to the residence of the killer Vishwa. He is interrupted by Imlie, who tells Shivani that she may make her own choice and then sends her away with Avinash. According to Agastya, he will not forgive Imlie if something happened to Shivani.