Act I
“Anand,” Nelu says. “What happened?” he inquires. She wishes you a nice anniversary. Jealousy, he says? Everything I desire, she claims, is mine. I am happy to report some excellent news to you. What Doree asked for, I’ve done. Doree is prepared by Nani. She suggests you take a job there. It’s rude to treat them badly. I don’t want to go, according to Doree. Satu advises that you hold on to her. “Are you going to buy the groceries?” Nani asks. Does that matter more than me, asks Doree? “I am not your enemy,” she says. There is a stain on your dad’s name. Achieving your achievement was your dad’s dream. I will save Ganga’s reputation by working in the households if you are unable to.
When Anand tells Nelu the good news, he is overjoyed. What will she do next? Anand wants to know. Doree warns against suggesting that she can help Baba in any way. Okay, then, do this, says Nani. “I don’t want to leave you,” she tells Satu. Satu requests that Doree Mansi leave her this phone. Any time she needs her, she can just give her a call. According to Doree, I insisted my dad have a new phone from the beginning. According to Satu, she should hold on to the phone because it could be dangerous to remove it. He also includes his phone number.
Inside the room, Mansi enters. When did you come, Anand wants to know. She merely mentioned it. He claims that today is unimportant to you. This cursed face is following you around. Today, I shall achieve all of my goals. For years, I anticipated this day. She extends her congratulations. At last, the price for your daughter’s life is upon you. Her death would have been pointless if you failed to receive something, right, rain? She truly was Laxmi to you. Look at what she got for you. He takes out the iron and says he’ll burn her. He claims that he would have treated you more like a queen than a maid if you had given him a son. Remain inside your limits. If I weren’t in a nice mood, I would have punished you for going to basti. Thank goodness for that. You received everything you desired, according to her. Why are we doing these rituals and making these promises? Leave this alone. Rescue me from this deceitful marriage and its attendant lies. Your liberation, he argues, will come from dying. Only when you die will you be liberated from my control. Your day of freedom will arrive if you get the courage to leave this house without my consent. I will personally take your life. Grasped it? He departs.
A call from Doree to Mansi. Are you alright? Mansi wants to know. According to her, I am going to go work for someone. How can you explain it to Mansi? I will provide you with the address, she continues; if you are able to make it, please come meet me there. “Who is sending you there?” Mansi asks. Hey Doree, Nani says we should go. The phones are hidden by Doree. Her outing is escorted by Nani. She worries Mansi. To go with her, Nani begs Nelu. According to Doree, Nani, I beg you not to abandon me. I implore you not to do this. Tears stream down her face. Doree embraces Nani. Doree is dragged and taken by Nelu.
Act II
Mansi and Komal are asked by Kailashi to make the bhog. Komal, she says you’re going to have to go it alone. “I will,” says Komal. Concern over Doree has Mansi on edge. Nelu is escorting Doree. Crying, she envisions Ganga. Baba, I don’t want to go, Doree pleads while crying. In remembering Ganga, Doree weeps. Mansi is asking Kailashi where she has gone missing recently. She must be planning her honeymoon, thinks Komal. I will lend you your saree and jewels for the day, says Kailashi to Komal. Similarly, you are celebrating a momentous occasion today. I envy Komal. Nellu takes Doree to see Rani. Dorree surveys her surroundings. Apparently, Nelu is now your boss. Step inside. Nelu insists that you comply with her demands. Grasped it? “Did you understand?” Rani yells. “You got us a gem,” she tells Nelu. Finally, Nelu gets up and goes. Doree begs to be sent home as she sobs. Rani motions for her to take a seat. Now you’ll do as I say, she says. Pardon Doree, says Nelu.
Gets ready, Mansi. Her thoughts turn to Doree. The reason I’m so anxious, Mansi asks. Dorree is facing some difficulties. Who is sending her while she’s so young? Doree makes an attempt to flee Rani’s residence. He takes hold of her. They drag her indoors. “Do what I say,” Rani says while squeezing her face. Mansi tries to reach Doree by phone, but she is unavailable. Using dirt, Rani splatters Doree’s face. “What are you doing?” Doree asks. Her hands and feet also get a good rubbing. “You look like a beggar now,” Rani remarks.
Seeing Neelu beneath the ghungat during the ceremony makes Anand wonder: why is she here, and if she is, where is Mansi?